Dr Brendan BOURDET, associate veterinary doctor
State Diploma in Dairy Nutrition
Released from the Veterinary School of Nantes 2009, I am particularly interested in medicine and surgery livestock, including collective medicine. It is with this in mind that I carried out a DE (Diplôme d'Etat) in Dairy Cattle Nutrition and that I have a DE in Cattle Population Medicine (regrouping reproduction, milk quality, housing, nutrition,…)
My goal is to establish a true partnership with our farmers : the overall monitoring of the herd (reproduction, food, trimming,…) aiming to reduce the incidence of diseases and thus increase the quality and profitability of your breeding is a priority for me.
Obviously, I also receive with pleasure your pets as well as your horses.
Dr Sandra BOURDET-LAURENT, associate veterinary doctor
CEAV in internal medicine , in abdominal and cardiac ultrasound domestic carnivores training, and canine behavior
Nantes Veterinary School outing 2012, I started treatment as farm animals as pets to reorient myself almost exclusively to the dogs, cats and NAC.
Particularly interested in medicine, I am looking to deepen my knowledge in this field by following the CEAV (certificat d'études approfondies vétérinaires) in internal medicine, nous permettant d'approcher dans leur globalité des cas parfois complexes.
I am also very attached to the management of pain and the well-being of your animals during their hospitalization., of their surgery or simply of their life
Dr. Sebastian BINEAU, associate veterinary doctor
DIE Osteopathy at the end of training, rural ultrasound training
Released from the Veterinary School of Nantes 2009, j’ai commencé à soigner les animaux d'élevage dans l'Ouest puis je suis venu m'installer en Franche-Comté.
Passionné par le monde de l'élevage en règle générale, j'aime beaucoup la médecine et la chirurgie des bovins, materials for which I constantly shaped me. I am particularly very interested in breeding cattle, as well as by parasitology. Je finalise également ma formation d'ostéopathie et peux maintenant prendre en charge vos animaux de toutes espèces.
Je m'occuperai également avec grand plaisir de vos équidés et de vos petits animaux de compagnie.
Dr. Camille Prugnard, associate veterinary doctor
CES (certificat d'études spécialisées) d'orthopédie et chirurgie orthopédique In progress, and in canine ultrasound
Nantes Veterinary School outing 2012, I devoted exclusively to medicine and pet surgery.
Je suis particulièrement motivé par la chirurgie et c'est ainsi avec plaisir que j'assurerai les opérations de vos animaux. C'est notamment le cas pour les problèmes orthopédiques (boiterie, fracture…) pour lesquels j’approfondis mes connaissances à travers le CES d'orthochirurgie.
I am also very interested in internal medicine dog, cats. J'ai également suivi des formations afin d'optimiser la prise en charge des maladies courantes des principaux Nouveaux Animaux de Compagnie.
Dr Marie ALLAERT, veterinarian
Diplôme d'Etat en Médecine et Chirurgie des Nacs (small mammals, birds and reptiles / fish) In progress
Sortie de l'école vétérinaire de Liège en 2012, je m'oriente dès le début vers une pratique exclusivement “small animals” (dogs, cats and NACs). I am currently realizing my particular interest in new pets by following the DE of Medicine and Surgery from NACs, to care for both small mammals and less common species such as reptiles and birds.
Sophie (Assistant Veterinary graduate)
Graduated since November 2017 GIPSA to Bourg-en-Bresse. I will be delighted to welcome you at the firm and answer your questions. Je suis particulièrement sensible au bien-être animal et je m'occupe ainsi avec plaisir de vos compagnons hospitalisés, for they make it less painful moment.
Manon (Specialized Veterinary Assistant)
Present at the Animovet veterinary clinic since March 2020,
Alicia (Veterinary Assistant)
Present at the clinic since December 2020,
Ludivine (Veterinary Assistant in GIPSA training since October 2020)
Cecile (Veterinary assistant)